The term shikomizue (kanji: 仕込み杖) means "placing inside a cane" in English. It is written しこみづえ in hiragana. It's pronounced roughly like "she-koh-me-zoo-eh".
This sword, which looks like a cane, was used by the ninjaNINJA 忍者 "stalking/hiding person" learn more.... 杖, which by itself is pronounced tsue, means cane. (It becomes zue in this case due to the linguistic phenomenon of sequential voicing.)
Shikomi is a verb, the infinitive form of which is shikomu (仕込む). In this case, it means “to place inside [with a certain finesse]” but can also mean “to teach,” “to train,” or “to prepare [food for customers].”
Komu, 込む, means “to be crowded.” Shi, 仕, is often used as the verb tsukaeru, 仕える, which means “to serve [i.e., as a servant].”